The workshop is on Monday, Sep. 18, from 9AM to 5:35 PM SGT (UTC+8).
Session 1 (09:00–10:30 SGT, 01:00–02:30 UTC)
- Welcome
- Opening Keynote by Rishabh Mehrotra: “The next billion: design choices and stakeholder outcomes in multi-stakeholder RecSys” [virtual]
Session 2 (11:15–12:35 SGT, 03:15–04:35 UTC)
- 11:15–11:40 [virtual long]: Fairness Vs. Personalization: Towards Equity in Epistemic Utility by Jennifer Chien and David Danks.
- 11:40–12:05 [virtual long]: Fair and Responsible Beauty Product Recommendation by Assessing Face Illumination Quality by Parnian Afshar, Jenny Yeon, Andriy Levitskyy, Rahul Suresh, and Amin Banitalebi-Dehkordi.
- 12:05–12:20 [virtual short]: Counterfactual Graph Augmentation for Consumer Unfairness Mitigation in Recommender Systems by Ludovico Boratto, Francesco Fabbri, Gianni Fenu, Mirko Marras, and Giacomo Medda.
- 12:20–12:35 [virtual short]: Provider Fairness and Beyond-Accuracy Trade-offs in Recommender Systems by Saeedeh Karimi, Hossein A. Rahmani, Mohammadmehdi Naghiaei, and Leila Safari.
Session 3 (14:00–15:20 SGT, 06:00–07:20 UTC)
- 14:00–14:15 [on-site short]: Towards Individual and Multistakeholder Fairness in Tourism Recommender Systems by Ashmi Banerjee, Paromita Banik, and Wolfgang Wörndl.
- 14:15–14:30 [on-site short]: Re-formalization of Individual Fairness by Toshihiro Kamishima.
- 14:30–14:55 [on-site long]: Exploring Social Choice Mechanisms for Recommendation Fairness in SCRUF by Amanda Aird, Cassidy All, Farastu Paresha, Elena Štefancová, Joshua Sun, Nicholas Mattei, and Robin Burke.
- 14:55–15:20 [on-site long]: Towards Measuring Fairness in Grid-Based Layout in Recommender Systems by Amifa Raj and Michael Ekstrand.
Session 4 (16:05–17:35 SGT, 08:05–09:35 UTC)
- 16:05–16:30 [virtual long]: On the Explainability of Exposing Query Identification by Amin Abolghasemi, Suzan Verberne, Leif Azzopardi, and Maarten de Rijke.
- 16:30–16:55 [virtual long]: News diversity and wellbeing — an experimental exploration of diversity-aware recommender systems by Linda Basso, Irina Nalis, and Julia Neidhardt.
- 16:55–17:10 [virtual short]: Stablizing Recommendations by Rank-Preserving Fine-Tuning by Sejoon Oh, Berk Ustun, Julian Mcauley, and Srijan Kumar.
- 17:10–17:25 [on-site short]: Behind Recommender Systems: the Geography of the ACM RecSys Community by Lorenzo Porcaro, João Vinagre, Pedro Frau, Isabelle Hupont, and Emilia Gomez.
- 17:25–17:35: wrapup and farewell.